Johana will appear at the following festivals and events this autumn in 2021:
30th & 31st of October : Iris Noir, Belgique
20th & 21st of November : Seille de Crime, France
11th of December : Noir Charbon à Raimbeaucourt, France
In 2020, Johana was invited to these events.
In UK:
Crimefest (Bristol, England), Neston Cricket Club (Wirral, England), Newcastle Noir (England), Stockton Central Library (England), The Glamorganshire Golf Club (Penarth, England).
Edimbourg Festival(Scotland), Waterstones Glasgow (Scotland).
In France:
Festival Auvers Noir, Festival Les Mines Noires, Polars Lens, Quais du Polar,
Salon Polar de St Laurent du Var, Salon Polar entre deux mers à Fargues St Hilaire, Salon Rosny soit qui mal y pense, Salon du Roman Noir de Frontignan,
Seille de Crime, Noir Charbon à Raimbeaucourt.
In Belgium & Switzerland:
Foire du Livre de Bruxelles, Festival Lausan’Noir.