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21-28 January, Kerala Literature festival / tour of Kerala, India
9 February, Mines Noires, Nœuds les Mines, France
14-16 March, Brussels Book Fair, Belgium
22-23 March, Polar Lens, Lens, France
3-6 April, Quais du Polar, Lyon, France
22-25 May, Montréal Mystère, Canada
12-13 June, Capital crime, London, United Kingdom
13-15 June, Vannes Book Fait, France
20-22 June, Limoges Book Fair, France
12-14 September, Bloody Scotland, Scotland
11-12 October, Toulouse Polars du Sud, France
30-31 October, Iris Noir, Brussels, Belgium
13-16 November: Les Boréales, Caen, France
6 December, Charbon Noir, Orchies, France
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